Global Administrative Areas (GADM)
No site do GADM é possível baixar arquivos com malhas espaciais com as divisões administrativas de diversos países do mundo em diversos formatos (Shapefile, ESRI personal geodatabase, ESRI file geodatabase, Google Earth .kmz, RData)
O Sistema de Coordenadas das malhas é Lat/Long com Datum WGS84.
É possível fazer o download dos arquivos de todo o mundo de uma só vez ou cada país individualmente:
Download de País a país:
Download de Todos os países: - (arquivo zipado com 300 MB)
Sobre o projeto GADM
"GADM was developed to support various activities, including georeferencing of textual locality descriptions (the BioGeomancer project) and for mapping census type data. The database is currently developed by Robert Hijmans. Major contributions have been made by Nell Garcia, Arnel Rala, and Aileen Maunahan at theInternational Rice Research Institute and by John Wieczorek and Julian Kapoor at the Univeristy of California, Berkeley, Museum of Vertebrate Zoology. We thank many individuals and organizations for sharing data (also see the Documentation page), in particular the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT, Andy Jarvis), ICRISAT and ILRI. Andy Nelson provided much of the country level codes and membership information. The development of GADM was partly supported by the Gordon and Betty Moore foundation for the BioGeomancer project."
"These data are freely available for academic and other non-commercial use. Redistribution, or commercial use, is not allowed without prior permission."
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