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Livro: Environment and Citizenship in Latin America (2012)

Este livro foi publicado em 2012 pelo Centre for Latin American Research and Documentation - CEDLA. O CEDLA é um centro interuniversitário sediado em Amsterdã (Holanda) que se dedica à estudar a América Latina.

Coloco em destaque o primeiro capítulo, intitulado "Citizens, society and nature: sites of inquiry, points of departure" que é de autoria dos organizadores Alex Latta e Hannah Wittman.

Destaco também o capítulo três, de Fabio de Castro, que trata de populações tradicionais em áreas protegidas no Brasil. [CASTRO, Fabio. Multi-scale environmental citizenship: Traditional populations and protected areas in Brazil. In: LATTA, Alex and WITTMAN, Hannah. Environment and Citizenship in Latin America: Natures, subjects and struggles. (CEDLA Latin America studies - CLAS book 101). Berghahn books, London, 2012.]

O livro pode ser consultado no google books e também na página da editora Berghahn


Chapter 1. Citizens, Society and Nature: Sites of Inquiry, Points of Departure
Alex Latta and Hannah Wittman

Section One:  Assembling Nature’s Citizens

Chapter 2. Environmental Citizenship and Climate Security: Contextualizing Violence and Citizenship in Amazonian Peru
Andrew Baldwin and Judy Meltzer
Chapter 3. Multi-Scale Environmental Citizenship: Traditional Populations and Protected Areas in Brazil
Fábio de Castro
Chapter 4. "Sin Maíz No Hay País”: Citizenship and Environment in Mexico's Food Sovereignty Movement
Analiese Richard
Chapter 5. Social Participation and the Politics of Climate in Northeast Brazil
Renzo Taddei

Section Two: Environmental Marginality and the Struggle for Justice

Chapter 6. Negotiating Citizenship in the Maya Biosphere Reserve, Guatemala
Juanita Sundberg
Chapter 7. Peru’s Amazonian Imaginary: Marginality, Territory and National Integration
María Teresa Grillo and Tucker Sharon
Chapter 8. Citizenship regimes and post-neoliberal environments in Bolivia
Jason Tockman
Chapter 9. Chile is Timber Country: Citizenship, Justice and Scale in the Chilean Native Forest Market Campaign
Adam Henne and Teena Gabrielson

Section Three:  Citizens, Environmental Governance and the State

Chapter 10. Access Denied: Urban Highways, Deliberate Improvisation and Political Impasse in Santiago, Chile
Enrique R. Silva
Chapter 11. Environmental Collective Action, Justice and Institutional Change in Argentina
María Gabriela Merlinsky and Alex Latta
Chapter 12. Environmentalism as an Arena for Political Participation in Northern Argentina
Brian Ferrero
Chapter 13. Legislating “Rights for Nature” in Ecuador: The Mediated Social Construction of Human/Nature Dualisms
Juliet Pinto


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